Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday April 25, 2010
We compliment Elder Warhurst, our district leader, on the great lesson he presented at district meeting last Tuesday. He asked all of us to give our thoughts on why people get ‘baptized’, ‘why they come to church’, and ‘their favorite thing about church’. Previous to our meeting he had interviewed a number of his branch members, of all ages, and asked them the same questions. He recorded their answers on his camera (this technology…) then lets us view it on the church TV screen. It was interesting, but not surprising, to note that ‘a friend/s’ led the list in all three categories-even our list. Once baptized the next highest reasons were ‘a calling’ and ‘wanting to learn more of the gospel’. Then from the church balcony he dropped balloons for some of us to try and catch. Some were filled with just air, some with water, and some with air balloons tied to ones with water. The ones with air just floated here and yonder (persons without a testimony or interest in the gospel), the ones with water firm in their direction (persons with a testimony and active), the ones with an air balloon tied to a water balloon (strong members attempting to be a good influence on those floating around). We were impressed with his preparation and the message it portrayed. On Thursday we were excited to have one of our sons, Bardell (Bard) arrive to visit with us for the next week. It is fun to have family come and show them St Lucia and the beauty that abounds here. It is good for us as well since at times we wonder if being here this long if we are not noticing the beauty as much as we should. It is also fun to take family members to places the tourist never see that make you appreciate home more than ever. We had a great time riding the zip lines on Saturday. There are eleven platforms in the course and the scenery is spectacular.
Good morning, today is a nice bright SUNNY day in Vieux Fort, West Indies. Another very hot day as we begin another week. As you can tell we are having a wonderful visit from our son Bardell, we call him Bard. He carries my father’s name, and so I think it is just great. It is so nice to have some of our family come as we realize what good people they are. We feel very blessed as we come to see how great our family has turned out. We wish they could all come to visit us. Bard lives in Lewiston, Idaho and works for Farm Service Agency. He has been there for several years and enjoys the area. It is his happy birthday today. As you can see by some of the pictures we have been enjoying our time. Some of you will not think that we are serving a mission but we really are.
As you can see our new elders are here and seem to be doing very good. It is hard to find some people to teach but they always keep trying. They had encouraged an old member to come to church yesterday. That was the first time she has been to church since we arrived. She used to be in the RS presidency so we hope she continues to come out.
My observations for the week are as follows. Cutlass: All men have one and pack them around. They are used for all kinds of cutting- trees, bushes & weeds. Gardner’s use them to trim edge of grass and weed in the bushes. Elder Faux has one ready to take home and Ceci and Hunter (grandchildren) each bought one when they were here.
We went to the waterfall by Dennery Saturday, I should call it a very small drizzle since the drought. It was so eye catching a few months ago.
You can tell Elder Faux and Bard went to the zip line and had a great time. My back shouts ‘no thank you’ as I think about it. While they were gone a man brought a snake, Boa, to show all the customers. It kept striking his pant leg and his boots. Everyone was taking pictures as they draped it around their neck. I had no camera, but it was interesting. It was fat but only about two feet or a little longer.
All the natives speak Patwa or Creole, I thought it was English and French but was told it is French and Creole. Many of the elders pick it up quickly. I just don’t get it.
Rum is the drink of the island and is very popular. We hear much about how great it is, but we just take their word for it.
Well I must go as we are off for a fun day today. Just one thought in closing. Do you know the phone number for the Garden of Eden? (answer- Adam 8 1 2). Love from Sister Faux

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