Monday, November 2, 2009

November 1, 2009

The past week was transfer week and thus we said goodbye to Elder Packer, as he returns home, and Elder Brague, whom we were hoping to have for one more transfer, as he moves to the Castries Branch. We have great admiration for Elder Packer as he was a devoted missionary right to the end. As the end drew near rather than count the days as ‘how many left’ his attitude was ‘how much can I do’. He is a nice young man and we wish him the best. We will be able to visit with Elder Brague at our weekly district meetings so it isn’t like we have lost him altogether. Elder Morris is now the new elder on the block. Elder Welch is without a companion for a week so Elder Faux and Randy have been filling in. Elder Faux was with him all day Saturday following the baptism. We taught two lessons then the rest of the day just seeking new contacts. We must have walked ten four to five miles, well; it felt like ten, looking for someone to teach but not a whole lot of success. It was fun and a little insight to the life of a missionary we hear about but don’t always experience. Saturday was the baptism of 23 year old Sunita. She told President Nicholas she didn’t want to be baptized in the ocean as she is afraid of water. So he told her he knew this place where a small river emptied into the ocean that would be just fine. It was about a twenty minute drive from the church-the last quarter mile of road suited only for four wheel drive vehicles. The river did empty into the ocean but being so swallow the baptism ended up being in the ocean anyway. By the pictures you can see how far out she dare go. We hope this doesn’t sound irreverent but the baptism was somewhat humorous. For whatever reason Sunita’s baptism clothing retained air, which in the shallow water would buoy out of the water as the baptism was attempted. Finally, almost in desperation, President Nicholas held her body down with one hand and with the other frantically submerged the clothing that had come to the surface. In spite of the scared ordinance being performed we all had to chuckle as we watch from the shore.
Sister Faux: Another busy week has flown by with a few happenings we should tell you about. Monday was a busy day as we had to do our wash that is usually done on Friday or Saturday, since we did not have time to do it those days. I was busy that day so Elder Faux thought he would hang some of the clothes on the line---Elder Parker told him how. So he hung his white shirts by the sleeves, it was the strangest washing I have ever seen. I probably won’t be too busy again. Monday is preparation day so the elders come to email that day. That is nice when they come! I sewed on various patches they had bought for their back packs so was glad for the sewing machine and to help them out. We planned a farewell dinner that late afternoon for Elder Packer as he was going home to Arizona and Elder Brague was being transferred to Castries, in fact trading places with Elder Morris. So I worked a little on the dinner that day as preparing oriental chicken with a yummy sauce, rice, corn, a fruit salad and hot rolls. I had a few extra rolls so made cinnamon rolls and served them and banana splits for dessert. The elders enjoyed the food –so that makes it fun to cook for them. We took advantage of the front yard gazebo for our meal enjoying the open air. They stayed and played dominoes for a time. Fun day. Tuesday we took the elders to Castries so Elder Packer could catch the plane early next morning to Trinidad and Elder Brague and Elder Morris could trade places. We came home after dark which makes Elder Faux a little nervous—as the roadway is not too good for part of the way.
Elder Faux went with Elder Welch as his companion on Wednesday and Saturday since his new companion does not arrive until next Wednesday. Randy went with him one day and about did Randy in as he was hungry and tired. I helped Jeanette cut out a jacket and shorten some pants and made a bag out of the legs of the pants. Then we went to Gospel Study class, which Elder Faux taught again—Jacob 5. Thursday we had some business in town and then Seminary in evening. Friday not much going on so we thought we would just stay home all day. But the elders came and we went to Castries and bought some groceries. We could not find a parking place in Castries where the elders wanted lunch so we came back to Vieux Fort and had lunch at Scooby’s. Saturday morning we had the baptism of Sunita, I went to the church to sew and Elder Faux went with Elder Welch teaching. Then the Temple class that evening. That has been a fun class and hopefully we will have at least one couple ready to attend the temple. I am sure this is boring to everyone, but that was most of our week. Good night and have a pleasant week. If anyone has questions, just ask. Sister Faux

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