Monday, October 19, 2009

Our main event of the week was attending zone conference in Castries on Wednesday. We actually drove to Castries early Tuesday morning so we would be there to help transport the sixteen elders/couple arriving at the Castries airport that same morning. Sister Faux, now that Sister Collins is gone, spearheaded the planning, purchasing, and preparing the food for the zone conference lunch so we needed to in Castries to finalize this as well. With President Gamiette, and his two assistants, plans were made to serve thirty five people. Once we had everyone transported from the airport to the church Elder Faux was given the assignment of taking Sister Faux plus the other three senior sisters shopping for luncheon supplies-mostly. They found a few other places they wanted to shop at as well. One place we shopped was Super J’s, St Lucia’s counterpart to our Albertson’s, Smith Food & Drug, Macey’s, etc. while the sisters were shopping Elder Faux wandered by the in-store pharmacy-where else? The pharmacist, Christopher, by his attire, looked so proper and professional Elder Faux just had to stop and compliment him on his appearance. President Gamiette and the assistants arrived about 2:30 p.m. at which time he started his interviews. Once we had done all that could be for the luncheon we, the couples, waited patiently for President Gamiette so he could join us for dinner. It was not until about 8:30 p.m. that he was finished. As he was staying at the Bay Gardens Resort, and couples Wheeler and Rasmussen were checked in there as well, we decided to eat at the restaurant there since we were already there and it was late. It turned out to be a fine choice-good food, quiet and peaceful atmosphere- looking out over the beach-and reasonable prices. We were thankful that Elder and Sister Treseder had invited us to stay with them for the night as it was 11:30 p.m. when we finally got to bed. A very good zone conference on Wednesday. President Gamiette is a masterful teacher. He divided us into four tables, selected five verses of scripture from the Doctrine Covenants, which at first did not appear that profound, then ask each tablet to search these verses, analyze, and how we could apply them. Each table in turn was then asked to give an analysis with the president and the other tables’ critiquing their report. When finished it was amazing how insightful these five verses turned out to be by using these three principles. The luncheon Sister Faux spearheaded was a delight for the missionaries. It was a joy to see them relish it the way they did including the freshly baked brownies with ice cream for dessert. On our drive back to Vieux Fort a dish in the trunk began to rattle so we stopped to make some adjustments. A few miles later down the highway it was noticed the trunk lid had not been closed tight. Stopping to close it we realized one of Elder Westover’s gym shoes was missing. So we turned around and drove about eight to ten minutes back up the highway before we found it. Upon arriving at the elder’s apartment and starting to unload Elder Brague noticed his backpack was missing. And as soon as he mentioned it I knew it was so because the spot it had packed in was vacant. We really felt bad that one lost gym shoe diverted our attention from Elder Brague’s backpack.
Sister Faux: As Elder Faux has mentioned we enjoyed our time at Zone Conference. It is interesting to prepare the food and watch as the missionaries enjoy it. We have some really great missionaries and we have a nice time as we visit and watch them. It is fun to hear them talk about before their missions and then see how they change and develop in to great men. I ask our four elders last night if they sang in Sacrament Meeting when they were Deacons—most of the comments were that they had not. If you watch in your wards are your Deacons singing? The elders sing loud and clear now and set an example for all of us. Last night we were at the William for family home evening once again. Little Boom Boom will be 10 months old next week and she is walking all over now. We all enjoy her and her cute personality. She takes to the elders and they are cute with her. Well it is getting late and since Elder Faux has covered most of the week’s activities so I will wish each of you a good day and have a great week. Sister Faux

1 comment:

Dave and Tauna said...

That little Boom Boom is the cutest thing!