Monday, August 31, 2009

On Monday (preparation day) the elders thought it would be fun to make another attempt to visit the Botanical Gardens and Diamond Water Fall in Soufriere. You may remember we drove there a couple of weeks ago and our visit was foiled by torrents of rain. This day was a good choice. There had been rain during the night so the foliage in the garden appeared so fresh and colorful and the waterfall as impressive as always. After our visit at the garden we enjoyed lunch at Fedo’s-a little Soufriere neighborhood diner. And we mean neighborhood diner. There is a large sign indicating where to turn off the main road, and then, at least for us, it was asking pedestrians what way to go. We did find it and enjoyed our meal. When we returned to our apartment the elders stayed with us so they could use our computer to do their weekly e-mailing-and take a shower as their apartment was waterless due to the rain the night before (For some reason rain threatens the way culinary water is collected into the system. So the more the rain the greater the chance of not having water). We also took them grocery shopping, fed them their evening meal, and then went teaching with them in the evening. In other words we were together for twelve hours this day-and still enjoying one another’s company. We have been going with the elders each evening to teach Elizabeth, her 11 year old granddaughter Rosealah, and Kava. Just to give an example of what the elders content with: Kava is living with Elizabeth’s son, with whom she has two children and pregnant with the third. She also has two other children from another boyfriend. Marriage is a possibility but she says she is content with the way things are now. One evening the elders gave them an assignment to read the introduction to The Book of Mormon. On our return visit when asked how the reading went Elizabeth and Kava had done a little. However 11 year old Rosealah reported having read the Introduction, The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses, Testimony of The Prophet Joseph Smith, A Brief Explanation about The Book of Mormon, and the contents. It will be interesting to see what happens with these people. We were in Castries most of Saturday getting acquainted with and being trained by Brother Jeorge Alvarado. He was lured away by the Church from his employment with Steven Covey Group to replaced Mission President Gamiette as the area Seminary and Instituted Coordinator. He is also an Area 70, assigned to the West Indies plus the Santo Domingo East Mission. He has a unique role in that as the seminary and institute coordinator he is under President Gamiette’s direction but come area conferences etc. he then presides over President Gamiette. He claims that at the age of 38 he is the youngest member of any of the quorums of 70. Also he and President Gamiette were missionaries at the same time-each of them serving in Florida but different missions. He had a mission companion from Pleasant Grove, Jayson Lemon. I am not sure if it is Marilyn & Mel Lemons son or not. Sister Faux: Sister Faux has caught a COLD!!!! How can you ever catch a cold in St Lucia? Besides that I never or hardly ever catch a cold. I was told it was because I walked in the rain and then went into someplace that was cold. I didn’t know there was a cold place on this whole island. We had our movie night again last Friday. We were excited to do that and all 14 people that came enjoyed it. You never know just what will happen but I think our last movie was not a good opener. Oh well we will try again. A few more things that I have taken note of---Things we don’t have at the church. No phone, no adding machine, no projector, no computer and no air conditioning. Things we do have-A calculator, fans (8), an electronic key board that no one can play-well Elder Lang gives it a try. Elder Ash played wonderful when he was here. If Elder Lang stays long enough he will be good too. We also have a new sewing machine, a ‘Brother’. It seems quite nice and I hope to teach people to learn to sew. In fact today I had people sign up for sewing lessons and three men signed up??? As I have said everything is a new experience. I hope it works and is fun and by next week I hope I am sane enough to tell you about it. I have 16 people signed up to learn to sew. It is fun to be with the elders and hear their plans for the future. Just for instance Elder Lang is going to have 8 kids, if he can find a wife. Or maybe if he lives through the disappointment of not getting enough letters from home and friends in the mail. Every time we go to the post office and he has no letters it is hard to see his sad face. If anyone reads this that needs to send him a letter please do so soon. Thank you. Now Elder Sturvedant only needs one letter from Sara (or Sarah) and he is so happy-- we all are happy. He only has 12 days until his parents arrive to pick him up. How exciting is that!! Another busy week has gone by –we will talk again next week. Love to you. Sister Faux and Elder Faux

1 comment:

Dave and Tauna said...

What a busy week you had. Thanks for all of the fun stories. We will make sure Elder Lang has more mail.