Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009

We were a little disheartened this week as Elder Ash was called back to Suriname. We have enjoyed getting acquainted and working with him as he is a fine Elder. He knew he would eventually return but thought he would be here longer than just six weeks. This was necessitated by a missionary leaving the MTC and not going to Suriname. Elder Ash earned our praise and respect for the patient and positive attitude he maintained while serving with Elder DeMasters as a companion. If he would have had the teamwork Elder Sturdevant has provided it makes you wonder just how much more could have been accomplished while he was here. Prior to his leaving Sister Faux prepared a farewell dinner for him which we all relished. It was delectable. Driving to Castries the next day, at Elder Ash's request, we drove the Caribbean side which is more scenic, more curves and grades, and about 30 to 45 minutes longer time wise than the Atlantic side. On at least two different occasions,with Elder Ash, we have driven this highway as far as Soufriere with no problem. But today, for what ever reason, after about one-half hour Elder Ash reported he was felt car sick and needed to stop. Once stopped he lost all he had for breakfast plus a little more. With still more than half the distance to go Sister Faux insisted he ride in the front rather than her. He didn't protest in the least and fortunately made the rest of the drive with out any problem. Elder Ash departed Castries at 2:30 p.m. and the same evening at 7:45 p.m.Elder Lang, our new elder, arrived from Guyana. In between the departure and arrival we spent the afternoon with the two elders in Castries. We had a fun time with them as they showed us some of the points of interest in that area and we were able to help them with things they needed to do. By the time we returned to our apartment we had been gone nearly 16 hours so a long but enjoyable day. But once again the highlight of the week was the baptism Saturday morning of Achaza (Shaza) Noel. If the name Noel rings a bell it is because the Saturday before her mother, Celina, was baptised. Shaza is nine years old and an excellent reader. We don't know why the week in between but happy for her, and especially her mother, that she was baptised. We were further disheartened this week because of a stopped up shower drain! Last Sunday we notice the shower not draining properly . In the morning when we showered it worked fine but when we returned home it had about 13 inch's of MUCK. They started working on it Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. When we came home Wed night it was cleaned out and the landlady's maid had it all nice again. That project kept me home a couple of days and they kept chopping some of the cement outside but now seems okay. Have I ever mentioned this is a third world country.Elder Lang from San Diego is our new elder. I think he will work out fine and they will find people to teach. All the elders, two from Castries and two here and E Faux, Randy and Darnil and branch pres are all going fishing tonight at midnight. Randy is really the only fisherman, but they have such a good time. Sister Nicholas is the cook for breakfast and they think she is a wonderful cook. This has been a slower week but things will pick up soon. One interesting thing happened at church today that I have not seen before---The Relief Society President and her one Counselor were released and no one was sustained. The Pres and Coun have been in for some time and no other sisters were ready for a calling . So what happens now??? However the church is still true in Vieux Fort. We have been to two FHE tonight--both nice. If anyone is interested please write us a letter. Love to all Sister Faux and Elder Faux

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